Andrew Ladd

*the digital strategist, not the hockey player

Digital Strategy

After nearly twenty years working in the arts, I have a lot of opinions about how the arts should work — particularly when it comes to ticketing and websites.

Sometimes I write about those opinions, sometimes I present them at industry conferences. Here's a selection.

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What peanut butter packaging can teach you about user experience design

Much like pasta, I am a total glutton for peanut butter. I eat it for breakfast almost every day. I also splurge on the fancy peanut butter that's made from just peanuts and salt, and one thing all the fancy peanut butters have in common, I've noticed, is their lid design, which is a beautiful example of a great UX thinking.

Read What peanut butter packaging can teach you about user experience design (External Link)

Four essential questions to ask about your ticketing system

At the Ticketing Professionals Conference 2024, I put together a panel discussion about what a ticketing system is and what it should do for your organisation. there are a few things everyone agreed were critical. So if you have a ticketing system at your organisation, here are a few questions you should definitely be asking yourself about how well it's working for you.

Read Four essential questions to ask about your ticketing system (External Link)

What pasta packaging can teach you about user experience design

Fancy packaging design comes at a significant cost to the user experience of your pasta box. And if prioritising visual design over UX design can so brutally mess up the relatively simple user journey of pasta, you'd better believe it can do even more damage to the UX of your complicated website.

Read What pasta packaging can teach you about user experience design (External Link)

What cathedrals can teach you about your venue's ticketing website

Cathedral websites, it turns out, face a lot of the same challenges as theatre and other venue websites. But cathedrals have addressed those challenges in some original and often really innovative ways that you almost never see in the arts. So what can cathedrals teach you about your own arts website?

Read What cathedrals can teach you about your venue's ticketing website (External Link)


What is a ticketing system?

Ticketing Professionals Conference 2024

You probably use a ticketing system every day, but if your life depended on it could you describe what a ticketing system actually is? "Something that sells tickets" covers everything from Taylor Swift selling her arena tour to the person running the raffle at the village fete, and omits features most modern ticketing systems boast as standard. Yet making the description more complicated raises more questions than it answers. Does a museum need to offer reserved seating? Does an arena need to offer timed entry slots? Does the village raffle need CRM? Does a ticketing system need to do any of this? More importantly, how are we supposed to build better ticketing systems if we can't even agree what a ticketing system is to begin with?

Read the article that accompanies "What is a ticketing system?"

Why are you automating that?

Arts Marketing Association Digital Marketing Day 2023

The more advanced our computers get, the more tempting it is to streamline things that maybe shouldn't be streamlined to begin with. Here are five questions to help you decide whether your automation project is actually a good idea, or whether it's going to do more harm than good.

Read the article that accompanies "Why are you automating that?"

Ticketing without a ticketing system

Ticketing Professionals Conference 2023

Ronnie Scott's, the iconic London jazz club, doesn't have a ticketing system. Yet they still manage to sell out almost every show, every night of the week. In this case study, you'll find out why a well-established venue would choose to work without a ticketing system - and what you can learn from their unusual approach.

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What cathedrals can teach you about your ticketing system

Ticketing Professionals Conference 2022

Like any venue, cathedrals regularly sell admission tickets and host ticketed performances - and the pandemic forced them to find new, digital solutions for doing so. As a result, in the past two years several cathedrals launched new websites that creatively tackle a number of common ticketing problems. This session will look at some of the best examples to draw valuable learnings that any venue or visitor attraction can apply to their own digital operations.

Read the article that accompanies "What cathedrals can teach you about your ticketing system"