Don't be afraid to embrace change
20 December, 2023
I always used to describe myself as a writer. Anything else I did — for vulgar, capitalist money — was a day job.
Funny thing about day jobs, though: when you do something forty hours a week, every week for ten years, you can't help but start to identify with it.
More to the point, when you do something forty hours a week, every week for five years — and when that thing is slowly come to the realisation that the only way anyone finds out about anything these days is on Google
— you can't help but accept that people are going draw their own conclusions about what you do unless you actively get your own version out there.
This new website is an attempt to do just that: to boil down all the things I do day-to-day and night-to-night, and juggle them together into something useful — for whoever finds me on Google and whatever they searched for to arrive here.
So if you're here because you saw me at a conference, or because LinkedIn served you something I posted, and you want to hear more of my thoughts about digital strategy in the arts: welcome. I hope you'll find something professionally useful.
But if you want to hang around afterwards and read that story I published in 2015, about the guy who nearly bankrupts his parents running up a secret tab at a member's club in Manhattan, well, please do. If you work in digital in the arts, you could probably use a break. It's a jungle out there.
In the meantime, thanks for visiting. I'm Andrew Ladd, the author and/or digital strategist, but definitely not a hockey player.